AI and local visibility with screens!


When we put the year 2020 under the microscope, we see that it is time to look at the long-term consequences that Covid19 has had on its retail business. This includes not only shops, but also banks, gyms and other businesses that serve "Walk-in" customers. We no longer believe that everything will return to what it was. Many people have already changed their habits because of trying out new digital possibilities. We are moving into a new era where much will be different.

When I'm out talking to companies that have started planning a new digital everyday life, with Screens in mind, I hear about many decisions made on a thin basis. Many lack an overview of opportunities and or a good plan. How to get a good plan in terms of content and interaction with the other social channels that the company has, are something that often makes a difference. I will go into some areas here.

Some key questions are how to optimize the impact of the investment made in monitors. Has one chosen the right technology and taken advantage of opportunities?

• How to use AI or machine learning to improve the effect of local screens?

• Can the company's or store's infrastructure and channels interact with the screens locally?

• How can data capture be used to simplify the work of delivering content on screens?

• Can all outlets interact regardless of which country they are in?

• Has a selected type of screen been selected for the environment in which it will stand?

• Can you make more use of the capacity and capabilities of existing monitors?

• Today, it is also relevant to look at whether one can interact with a PC at the home office and head office.

To know how one can best help stores that think about monitors, it is good to look at what monitor users today think. As the challenge is somewhat complex, it may be a good idea to use consultants who can put together a solution that suits the store and its internal expertise. This applies whether one is small or large. Taking out an employee to familiarize themselves with opportunities and choose a good solution will usually cost more than the investment itself.

The interest in professional TV screens has been growing strongly in recent years.

If we look today at available reports from the United States that we often compare with, enough Monitors are difficult to avoid in the future.

Survey among users of «digital signage» what do they mean:

Most retailers (94%) use or have used digital signage to increase, change or improve customers' experiences in stores. Among them, 80% consider it either important (40%) or essential (40%) for these experiences.

Apart from useful, pleasant, and desirable customer experiences (45%), retailers believe that differentiation from competitors (20%) is the main reason why they should use digital signage.

Although 51% of retailers have scaled out personalized content in a cost-effective way, 33% claim that they have difficulty adapting the content to consumer behavior - their biggest pain point when it comes to choosing the right content.

Within this group of respondents, 37% consider their price limit - the point where the cost outweighs the benefit - to be in the order of $ 25,000 per store or more. 50% of this segment ranks as low as $ 5000 as the price limit, while 10% rates as low as $ 1000. No respondents in this segment rate an amount below $ 1000 as an amount that the price outweighs the benefits of.

Digital Signage Pain Areas:

When asked to identify their biggest pain points for customer-facing digital signage, some of the most popular options were logistics costs, frequency of use and how to place them in stores. But many other pain points are directly related to content, which indicates that both adaptation and placement are equally strong contributing factors to customer experiences.

The good thing is that there are good solutions that help the store to have an effect.


Dealers' most cited pain point for customer-facing digital signage:

- tendencies for customers to ignore it or not notice it (61%).

- 56% of retailers claim that digital signage can be intrusive to the customer experience and frustrate customers.

This indicates that some dealers have struggled with both issues, each of which may be due to the choice of content or placement of the signs.

- Another 11% of retailers think digital signage simply does not look good in stores.

- The third major problem, for over a third of retailers (37%), is that they run out of use for their digital signage in stores.

This makes it more difficult for retailers to justify their investment in digital signage. Similarly, programming is still a problem for 25% of retailers who claim they have not perfected their content strategy. Only 1% claim that they have no pain points related to customer-facing digital signage in the stores.

The overall problem retailers have with signage is to improve the customer experience - whether signage is poorly placed, does not provide the right content or is not operational at all.


In fact, when asked to choose one major pain point when it comes to choosing the right content:

- about a third of retailers (33%) claim that adapting content to consumer behavior is their biggest.

Similarly, 14% struggle to choose the right content types, which means that almost half of the retailers' best match is related to content specialization.

- The second most mentioned pain point, content automation, also highlights problems with engaging customers on their terms.

- Some retailers simply lack the content (10%), or they lack the talent they need to develop the right content overall (3%)


Most of what the store sees as pain can be solved relatively easily. By using AI and interaction with several channels, one will also increase the possibility of success with the use of a screen. I would recommend that you bring consultants who have an overview of opportunities and good solutions.

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