AI in practice, part 3


Artificial intelligence affects our daily lives more than we might think!                                      When we take a peak behind the scenes, we discover many and different ways how artificial intelligence and machine learning influences our daily lives in many wonderful ways, whether we are trying to read our emails, get driving directions or when looking for music or movie recommendations. 

In this article I will focus on some examples of how artificial intelligence is assisting us in our daily activities such as:

  • Social Media
  • Digital assistants
  • Self-driving and parking vehicles
  • Email communication

How does AI improve social media?

Artificial intelligence makes it easier for it`s users to find and communicate with friends and business associates.


Twitter is a social media site, and its primary purpose is to connect people and allow people to share their thoughts with a big audience.

Twitter has started using artificial intelligence to improve its product and to combat inappropriate or racist content and to improve the user experience. They process lots of data through deep neural networks learning over time adapting to the different users' preferences.


Deep learning helps Facebook extract value from a larger portion of the unstructured dataset, created by nearly 2 billion people who update their status 293,000 times per minute. Most of the deep learning technology is built on the Torch framework, focusing on deep learning technologies and neural networks.


Instagram uses big data and artificial intelligence to target advertising, combat cyberbullying and delete offensive comments. With the increasing amount of content on the platform, artificial intelligence is used to improve the user experience, fight spam and make sure to put content the different users might like based upon their resent behaviour on the platform.


Chatbots has the ability to recognize words and phrases and to deliver helpful content to customers frequently asked questions. Nowadays Chatbots are so accurate that it seems like you are talking to a real person. However, the quality of the machine learning differs.

How to improve your email communication by using a simple, smart answering service.

All of us know how a full inbox feels like.

A smart answering service implemented in your e-mail, give users a way to quickly respond to emails with some simple phrases like "Yes, I'm working on it" or "no, I have not", by simply clicking a button. Smart responses are tailored to the content of each email. As a user, you can choose to respond manually or to simply respond with a one-click smart response service.

  • Gmail offers "smart answer- options" for example when replying if someone is emailing you about an upcoming game and to let them know you`re interested.
  • To make sure almost all emails appearing in your inbox is authentic, Google uses artificial intelligence to filter your emails into different categories like main, social, promotions, updates, forum and spam.
  • By sorting emails into different categories, the program makes it easier for you to find important messages faster and to separate the "unsecure emails" to the Spam folder

How AI and "digital assistants" helps you in your everyday life.

We know our new "friends" under different names like Siri from your Apple devices, Google Now, Alexa from Amazon and Microsoft's Cortana. They are all digital assistants helping users perform various tasks, such as checking their schedules, searching online, play your favourite song from a playing list by sending commands to another app. The brain behind is AI learning from previous interaction with each user.

AI also assists you every day when you are parking your car. For these interactions they use what we call deep learning, a subset of AI that recognizes the space around a vehicle.

The technology company Nvidia uses AI to give cars "the power to see, think and learn, enabling cars to navigate an almost endless array of possible driving scenarios." The company's AI-powered technology is already implemented in brands like Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Volvo, and Tesla. This technology will revolutionize how people drive and will also introduce self- driving vehicles.

Stay tuned and keep following the upcoming part 4 in this series, where I will focus on: Web search, Shops and services and Experiences without networks

Read more useful articles at:

AI in practice part 1

AI in practice part 2

Author Trond Paulsen