AI in practice part 4


- affecting our daily lives more than we would think! In this part 4, I continue to my "behind the scene" experience to visualize how artificial intelligence and machine learning influences our everyday life in a practical way.

AI helps us in many areas as well:

  • Web search
  • Shops and services
  • Experiences without a network

Web search, - AI in Google search:

Here you see artificial intelligence that helps with web search

AI is in action when you are searching on Google. Google Predictive Search is a great

example when starting to type in a keyword and Google automatically comes up with recommendations to choose from, - this is AI in action.

Predictive suggestions are based on data that Google already has collects about you, such as your location, your age, and other personal data. Using AI, the search engines are trying to guess what you are trying to find.

Google's algorithm

Google's search engines evolved over time by studying the linguistics used in different search processes. AI linked to Google learns from previous results and adapts over time to better meet users' needs.

If I for example is typing in "what are neural networks and how are they related to synapses", Google automatically suggests different choices of the "best answer", highlighted at the top, then followed by a list of sources that answers the question.

The purpose of Google's algorithm is to deliver the best possible results to the searcher. To do this, Google uses AI to try to determine the quality of the content and match it with the user's search.

How can artificial intelligence improve product recommendations and your online store user experience?

Amazon and other online retailers shops are using artificial intelligence to gather information about the customer's preferences and shopping habits. The data collected is customized to improve your shopping experience by suggesting new products tailored to your habits.

We see this very clearly in how uses AI-powered recommendations as a good example.

Music recommendations

Music services use AI to track your taste in music based on what you choose to listen to. Once Al has gathered enough data, Spotify will suggest other artists, list new releases, old favorites, etc. based on your listening habits.

Google Play

Google Play also offers custom music recommendations. AI-driven proposals take into account factors such as weather and time of day to provide music that can set the right mood for activities. For example, you may be offered a playlist of dance music on a Friday night, or soft, acoustic music on a rainy day.

Map and driving directions

Google Maps calculates AI traffic to find the fastest route to your destination.

Orange parts of the route indicate where traffic is slower.

Commercial flights

You will be very surprised at how little the friendly pilot actually does in the cockpit during a normal flight. A survey among the airline's Boeing 777 pilots from 2015 reported that they only spent an average of 7 minutes flying the aircraft manually during a normal flight, while most of it was executed by AI technology. According to a report from Wired Magazine, Boeing is working on building jets that will be completely piloted by artificial intelligence and without human pilots at the helm.


Through this serie, we have tried to visualize how artificial intelligence already have been in use for many years. AI technology will still improving and continue making our lives more efficient every day. We can state that AI technology is growing strongly and that we can expect more smart solutions to develop continuously.