Companies do not have to lose 10-30% of possible sales


Customer satisfaction is the measurement factor that is important. One of the key questions is actually: How many customers do you lose by not answering enough time?

In collaboration with, I have looked at this a bit and not least looked at my own experiences both as a customer and sales channel. We are talking about companies that lose 10-30% of possible sales.

We assume that the sales company has good products that keep their promises. It works proactively and has become good with the channels they have chosen to use:

  • Own channels such as Web pages, landing pages, newsletters and webinars
  • Shared channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, and more
  • Paid channels such as advertising digitally and locally in their local markets There are many products that we can go into, but here it is more general.

We often recognize ourselves in customers' impatience. How many times have we seen that there is a queue, and therefore do not stand in it or jump off? We see that society and the market have changed a lot in recent years.

  • Stores sell both online and locally, even on apps.
  • There are more and more channels to choose from.
  • Of course, with greater freedom of choice also comes increased competition for customers.
  • Some customers almost demand that you almost must answer before they call.
  • Furthermore, one often wants the order to be made when they call in or are on the website.

If the product on the website is of interest, the way is short for the visit to be converted into a sale. But if it gets too complicated or takes too much time, the conversion will be small. With simple and fast solutions, the sales result will of course be higher.

The funny thing is that using digital employees actually almost removes the challenge of not responding quickly enough. has a solution to help with the challenge. Do not let your customers wait for answers look a little at SMART SMS and SMART ChatBOT.

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Author Trond Paulsen