How good is your website, does it generate new customers for you?


In today's covid situation, even though one is in times of vaccinations, digital marketing is becoming more important than ever.

Your web page should be one of the most important tools for visibility of your products

and not least brand. It is difficult to get buyers for a product that does not exist or that is invisible.

Expect everyone to want the site to attract and convene ideal perfect customers for the store. In this article, I have included some important points for your website to work as planned. If you need more details or help, get in touch.

Does the message hit your potential customers?

Often we are more concerned with appearance than content. If you look at it through the customer's eyes and simplify, this will be one of the factors that makes the website generate lead.

A little tip is to look at who your optimal customer is. Where can you find the customer whether it is a company or a customer. What triggers your customer to buy. What communication and communication style is used. The website is among "own channels" the company's most important digital showcase. It should also build trust in your business.

Furthermore, it is optimal to use this as a hub to interact with other channels (own channels, shared channels, paid channels and not least deserved channels) Do you have plans for a new website, improvement of your existing one or supplement with landing pages?

Feel free to have a non-committal chat with us over a coffee digitally.

Is your site found?

Imagine that you are considering buying a product or service from or want to do business.

What is the first thing you do? "You Google them."

What happens if you are invisible and your competitors appear on Google? Of course they buy it from your competitor as the product is available.

A little about Google:

With over 1.3 trillion web pages where 92% are invisible, there are opportunities. Did you know that in little Norway alone, google has over 50 million searches every day, this actually makes up 85% of the searches.

The funny thing is that it is possible to be among the 8% that are visible.

How to get the website to generate lead even when you are asleep?

When one is among the 8% who are visible, one has of course come a long way. But is it far enough?

When the customer is inside the store, the next moment comes. How can you keep the customer long enough in the store, for interesting products to be discovered?

There is actually much more here. But this is just a small taste. Of course, we have not told how to make this work optimally. But we provide a lot of free advice to help you along the way. 

Author Trond Paulsen