How to become the best Restaurant or eatery


Did you know that one can improve your finances?

Imagine what it looks like if you:

• Effectively made available up to 40% more of your employees' working hours

• Your turnover has increased by up to 30%

Restaurant and dining places:

As mentioned in the previous article, many see that they can increase efficiency by up to 40% or more: Small restaurants easily save over 50 

How about increasing sales?

Of course, there are many opportunities to increase sales. We assume that the food is on a par with normal or better. So here come more secrets and good advice.

Most important is clearly visibility:
Think of something as simple as visibility, and how easy it is.

Watch one on own channels such as Web, newsletter, Webinar, campaign / own events, podcasts and more.

Imagine that approx. 92 percent of us do a search on google, when buying a service or item. A website is not only an info channel anymore, but also a trigger for attracting new guests. Interacting with social media and other channels will also significantly increase visibility. I have highlighted how a good website should be in a previous article: How good is your website 

When it comes to shared channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter and more. What emerges is that 90% lack the competence to be able to utilize the opportunities that lie in social media. It is one of the best opportunities to create visibility, even without advertising.
If you interact between several media, this will also create an incredibly good magic. Often to get the greatest possible effect and it can pay to use parties in the market who can help. Today, there are also opportunities to acquire some knowledge through free courses. If you feel that you want more knowledge on social media, you can now get a free course at:

Do not forget local visibility.

When you have become good at using digital channels, and you get so-called "superfan", what we call the icing on the cake remains. How easily visible is one in the environment where one lives? I have experienced having to look for the eatery. Some have even been called a hidden gem. Imagine what it would have been like for local visibility. Some may recognize the site from reviews and online visibility. In collaboration with, I have looked at digital employees and how much it can give the restaurant new customers and more orders from visiting guests. Not least the time saved per. orders that can be used to make guests become superfan.

I see that there are many options for the app. with payment when ordering, registering for infection tracking, menu display and control of professional TV screens. The most important thing with such a system such as "SMART Restaurant" solution, is that it makes the everyday life of the restaurant's employees the absolute best day. In addition, it helps to increase the conversion rate of potential customers. Feel free to contact me about the topic.

As previously mentioned, there will be more revelations in the future, so stay tuned.

Author Trond Paulsen