Is your website getting too much or too little attention?


The sentence above actually describes the situation of up to 100% of today's web pages.

The good thing is that absolutely everything can be done something with, or increase the possibility of more activity.

Some may say that they think it gives, and some have it as facts when they use analysis programs that measure the attention the page has.

I want to bring here some new points that can help you.

Is your website getting too much or too little attention?
Is your website getting too much or too little attention?

What example do you belong to?


The website gets way too much attention!

Your site provides so many prospects that you are considering new hires.


Our site is nice but it gets no attention.

We have an expert who helps us with the pages.

By Example 1.

Frequently asked questions here are:

Do I need more employees ?.

Can I get more potential customers to shop ?.

What can be digitized or automated ?.

Digitization and use of AI solutions

Here, for example, it is easy to think "chatbot". One is clearly in part of the solution, but not optimally. The next question is whether the chatbot works as it should ?. In our opinion, it should take care of support both in terms of orders and other support service.

Many people I have talked to still have it so that customers call to order or get support. We do not manage to handle all telephone calls. Here you can actually reduce the number of phones by channeling the customer into AI solutions that guide them on to orders. Here there are simple solutions where the customer receives an SMS with a link to order. Which means that you actually get the customer as the buyer.

According to Statistics Norway, the average monthly salary is NOK 48,750 (€ 5,736). The investment in AI solutions is thus significantly cheaper than the salary of an employee.

The best part is that these digital employees do not need food or drink, they do not sleep, they work constantly 24/7 without complaining. The price of these is also beyond cheaper than increasing employees.

By example 2.

Do not despair I have treated and told about the secret behind making a website work.

This has been addressed in a previous article: 

The most important thing is that we are happy to help you without obligations

Do you share this with others who may benefit from it, both you and the person you are sharing it with:

• 30 minutes free consultation.

• SEO status report on the website

Author Trond Paulsen