Is your job secure or do you need a new in the future?


Surveys show that 80% of the workforce is unsure whether the current job exists tomorrow.

In addition, the time we are in with "covid" has intensified the uncertainty. We often ask ourselves what it looks like tomorrow.

Studies from before Covid became a fact, show that 60% of working hours (measured in 47 countries) are at risk of being automated. If we look at this in relation to the impact Covid has had, will the digitalization clearly have an even greater focus.

AI and the Digital world
AI and the Digital world

If we ask ourselves the question of whether our own work task can be automated...., more than 80% will probably be able to be automated. This means that new jobs are created in AI, Digitization, and controlling robots.

The question is how many manpower years a company saves, when replacing employees with robots or digital employees and systems. There are very good examples of this:

  • Internet shopping has already taken over a lot for physical store.
  • 8 self service stations that replace 8 cashiers. if 2 retain for control and other tasks. In addition, using digital employees has a savings of 75% or 6 employees.
  • production lines with robots instead of workers
  • CD / LPs have no physical logistics but have moved into the digital world.
  • Posters are digitized and Digital Signage / TV screens.
  • the receptionist is totally digitized (registers with the QR code received). doors and info open.
  • RFID and beacons for automation.

This is just a fraction of what has happened in the last 10 years. Development is only going faster and faster.

Do you need more info, contact us

Author Trond Paulsen