Only 4% have started using artificial intelligence


71% believe it is important for the company.

This is a question I have often been asked when I talk about opportunities. To shed further light on this beyond previous articles: 

We also expect that Covid 19 has accelerated the number of companies involved in AI projects.

If you look at how important the use of artificial intelligence and smart solutions will be for today's companies, those who start their journey today will get the most. If one is to compare with something, it is probably the importance of electricity about 100 years ago.

Many companies do not have expertise in the field or have an everyday life that complicates the task of digitizing, and not least the use of machine learning. The availability of products that can help is of course also very growing. Which requires that the company needs help from people and companies with expertise in the area. One does not need to take out one of his employees who today produces good results, to get acquainted with the technology and find the solutions. It often becomes more expensive than intended. There is a lot of help available in the market.


The report "Artificial Intelligence in Europe" is a summary of a study prepared by EY for Microsoft. Data has been collected from managers in 277 companies in 7 sectors and 15 countries across Europe, including Norway. In the report, you can read how Norwegian and European companies look at the possibilities of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize operations and prepare the company for the future. By reading this you can be inspired and see how AI can develop and prepare the company for the future.

The report shows that one in two business leaders believe that AI will have a large or very large impact on the industry they belong to, and two out of three believe that artificial intelligence will open completely new business areas for their own business.

Here are some important points worth mentioning:

• 71% of the companies answer that artificial intelligence is considered an important topic for the operational management of the company.

• 38% of respondents reported that it is important for their board

• 28% of the companies consider this to be an important field for the employees in the rest of the organization.

As many as 65% expect that artificial intelligence will have great or very great significance for their core business.

• 48% of respondents believe that AI will have a significant impact on the industry over the next 5 years.

If we look at what the survey provides answers to and only 4% have used the technology and 28% plan, it is important for most industries to assess the technology.

We see that those who use it already see results that really help them. Creates better competitiveness, or simply saves a lot of time. For many companies, time is what costs the most.

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