Reveals secret - what generates the most customer leads!



There are many so-called facets here, depending on which store you run. But let's simplify this to apply to goods and services that can be easily traded online.

Reports from Statistics Norway, finance Norway and e-share based on Norway:

We are based on potential buyers aged 16-79 years:

• 97% have access to the internet.

• 92% use e-mail online.

• 93% use the internet for their banking services.

• Two out of ten Norwegians say that they shop online more often today compared to before the corona pandemic occurred.

• We shopped online for more than NOK 156 billion

• While consumption on travel and tickets fell, purchases of physical goods skyrocketed, doubling from 2019.

Even though Covid has put extra speed on online shopping, the winner when it comes to growth is probably trading via mobile phone.

Even though Covid has put extra speed on online shopping, the winner when it comes to growth is probably trading via mobile phone.

Why we shop online or in store:

A key to success is looking at what consumers think about today's online shopping and what it takes for them to choose to shop online or from their mobile phone.

Why choose to shop online?

When a consumer is asked about which factors, these come up:

• Better selection.

• Simpler, practical, and more flexible.

• Availability of product and services.

• Finance / cheap / discount / gift card.

If you ask why not shop online, these factors come up.

• 52% of merchants cancel the purchase as the total price becomes high when shipping and any customs duties are calculated.

• 21% cancel the purchase because it becomes too cumbersome or extensive process.

Of course, this is also where the customer prefers to touch and feel the product. They feel insecure about shopping online when it comes to the size and quality of the item.

Which goods can be traded online:

Here one has so far 4 types (B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B) but we have a spotlight on these two

• Business-to-Business.

• Business-to-Consumer.

Developments on websites, landing pages for virtual stores and centers show that several of the goods and services we currently have in physical stores can be sold online. Today alone, Virke's statistics show that 77% of stores and chains have websites.

It is still the case that more is shopped in physical stores than online in most categories in Norway. According to the report, it is in fact the case that there are only two categories, entertainment, and erotic articles, which Norwegian's state shop more online than in physical stores.

When you look at this and take the articles we previously have, you see that contacting someone who can help is a lower cost than trying it out for yourself.


Here I have written several articles about this. I recommend looking. Here are, of course, some more secrets that one may have thought of, but perhaps not so clear.

Choosing the right composition of social media

When we ask those who work with this professionally, most people conclude that over 90% of today's companies have great potential for improvement, regardless of whether they are a small or large company.


Facts that are included in the text above, say that contacting professionals in the field is well spent time and money.

Stay tuned to the pages: 

(Here you will find your new digital employees at a lower cost than employees) 

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