Small restaurants easily save over 50% of a worker's working year!


Restaurant and serving places:

How to increase efficiency by up to 40 % and at the same time get turnover increase of around 30 %?

When you look at the opportunities the hospitality industry has and compares with an additional employee, interesting scenarios emerge. In the previous article, I addressed the topic a bit with the fact that up to 80 % of today's tasks can be automated.   

Many believe this can wait, as service is still important. It is probably true, but it is also true that Covid has speeded up digitization. Streamlining and at the same time maintaining personal service is another combination that is the winner.

After a review in the industry, the following emerged as important points for restaurants. I bring out here the points that most people have set up:

✓ Lack of personnel.

✓ Getting feedback directly from the customer on what is good and not so good.

✓ Get more out of your employees by simplifying everyday life.

✓ Increase earnings with the staff you have.

✓ Streamline work tasks.

✓ Simpler and faster payment solutions.

Underlying this, we see that it is possible to save several hours of work without compromising on service. On the contrary, it will improve, and the personnel will have more time for important income-generating work. Many people think this is a dream scenario and that it costs too much.

Calculations and reviews: I have set up some calculations here that show how much time is spent. We often see that one spends up to 5 minutes per customer who could be useful minutes to other customer service.Speaking of 50 guests, we are talking about over 4 hours and 10 minutes, 100 guests, 8 hours and 20 minutes when we multiply this out in weeks, months and a year's work.

Some points based on the example of Restaurant with dining:

Service and customer care.

a. The customer is welcomed and is directed table (Stipulated up to 2minutes) This includes registering a guest regarding Covid tracking.

If menus etc. are not already available, it must be set aside (Stipulated 2 minutes)

b. Booking is accepted (stipulated time spent per table up to 3 minutes or            more)

c. Then time is spent walking to and from the table to the register, kitchen,      bar, delivery, and payment. Only at the last point does a lot of the time        pass. Extra drink ordering:

d. Additional time is spent handling on time. (Stipulated up to 1 minute) Payment and end delivered order.

e. Often the waiter becomes to bring the terminal to the table and come back  with an approved receipt. Here it takes time at checkout, terminal and    contacting the customer for payment. Often customers also must wait to settle, so the table could have become vacant earlier. (Stipulated up to 4 minutes per table)

One thing one also forgets is that one often finds that customers could have increased their consumption by making ordering functions more accessible. I have experienced having to wait for an order and I was highly likely to have had another 1-2 beers during my restaurant visit.

I  we has seen the challenge and opportunities. After a search in the market, we found a solution. Here you will be able to access a full system of around 6 % of a normal monthly salary. Look and we will be happy to help. 

Author Trond Paulsen