The small shop runs by volunteers


Imagine doing over 40% more activity with the same number of volunteers! In addition, it will also be possible to increase income by 10% on sales and from sponsors.

I was asked the other day if there were good solutions for voluntary organizations in Norway.

Based on my own experience through organizing volunteering during my children's upbringing. I still spend a lot of time as a volunteer. My conclusion is quite clear. It shows that there is a lot left undone and there are a lot of opportunities that have not been exploited.

Some facts

Based on Statistics Norway's report for 2018, the turnover of voluntary organizations was 78.8 billion. A further 142,064 man-years were represented, representing NOK 78 billion in value. In addition, they received support from the state and municipality with 50.9 billion.

Today's realities.

There are many aspects to organized volunteering. We simplify it and look at voluntary efforts in sales work that generate revenue. Extra income means that you can carry out more activity. If one takes the example Shop with different goods, preferably with the organization's logo etc. There may also be collaboration with others, for the sale of products and services. Common to all activity is that one needs volunteers' efforts.

Some known factors:

1. Number of volunteers in relation to possible sales at a sales booth.

• Often to avoid queuing, one needs several points that involve the use of several volunteers.

2. Time consumption during ordering, order processing and administration.

• Accept order (measured time up to 2 minutes)

• Logistics, delivery of the goods (time use up to 2 minutes)

• Charge for the item (time use up to 1 minute)

• Work after the event has finished varying but say that we divide the time by the number of customers. (Estimated time consumption 1 minute.)

In total, this amounts to more than 8 hours for 100 shopping customers.

3. Additional sales

• Often the voluntary organization has other income and activities that are to be conveyed.

• Here actually comes a factor that can increase sales considerably. Online sales with kick back can be a solution that many have forgotten. Here, even logistics can be left to others. The secret lies in reaching the potential parents, who can ensure that the turnover they still represent benefits the team or the organization.

This is an area I am passionate about, so feel free to contact me for a chat about ideas and opportunities. Send me an SMS on tel. 908 40 240

As previously stated, I have a collaboration with for where I reveal several secrets in what one can save working time by streamlining several work tasks. Even solutions that will increase potential revenue.

It may be a good idea to follow our articles in the future.


Author Trond Paulsen