Tina Hessel Communication supervisor


Spear Website in 19 languages, CBN Creative Business Network , and Spear Marketing

Do you need any help to earn money from your knowledge?

Stuck? You will ALWAYS get the help you need!

To one of you, I wrote the following, and I would like to share that with all of you.

A message to you and by this time I do hope that you know that I can only relate to things that really work. I hope that this information you get here will start a fire in your belly!

The person I wrote this to resign his position last year, with a desire to fulfill a dream of his own business. The person has a profession in health.

I am thinking that this concerns all of us IF we want change and at the same time do not know HOW.

I responded to the person like this:

You have been brave and sensible. In fact, it's the only way to make changes and to move forward 😊

As I wrote in my last mail to you, I have received incredible help from (creative business network CBN) and through becoming a member there, I also got to know a business solution called Spear and all the free lessons that I have attended are through CBN/Spear.

I can see that you have the same dream I had.

I locked the door behind my physiotherapy clinic, where I was the owner and CEO for over 20 years. At the clinic I also worked with the Potensia Method.

I went to the bank and borrowed money to pay further education so that I could work with Potensia through the net, where ever I was.

Just like you, I had worked many years with patients, in the end I had lost my passion for the job, it gave me a lot though that I have used in other jobs, like Potensia.

To pursue this dream, I have had to learn how to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more. Also lean what it means to have a website that has a high SEO so that what is on the page reaches out. All this I have learned through following the free lessons that I get through CBN.

Creative Business Network CBN is a network run by Spear business.

I first joined three free training sessions and I saw how great this was and how good the energy was in the group, that is why I joined, I really have not regretted that. The price per year is 250 English Pounds.

Nothing is sold, you simply come along, see if it suits you and if it does, then you get exactly the help that you just need!

Here is how I felt about it and what I have received, so far, hoping it can help you find YOUR direction so you can fulfill YOUR dream:

I had frustrations, did not have very much income - Spear has helped me in the way that I can always ask, and they have taught me how to make money from my knowledge.

I feel safe because I know the people of Spear are there to support me if I need help.

In addition, I had invested in a website that did not work. Asking Spear to build a new page for me will give me a store where people can sign up for courses, 1 to 1 coaching and teaching and group training. It will also show what news I produce and I will be able to communicate with my clients from there. It will be my platform for my business.

I was out on the market looking at prices, I got to see some pages the different ones had produced. Prices were extremely high above 100,000. NOK- and the pages did not have all the opportunities that I knew I needed.

Spear's price is 2495.- English Pounds, it is cheap for everything you get. The website generates customers and Spear helps me with the strategy. Just imagine that, generating customers because of all the spiders built in, things we cannot see, but the algorithms read it. DON'T ask me how all this is connected, I just know it works!

CBN/Spear has become my amazing mentors. There was a lot I did not know how to do, now I get free guidance, just through being a CBN member 😊 so COOL!

If I am stuck somehow with what I am working on and need help, there's always someone in my CBN team who's there to help, of course, this goes both ways. IT generates Joy, being able to help others 😊

I read that you know all about that little horror that sits in your spinal cord - HELP - I want to start up but how can I do it -do I dare - HELP??


Again, CBN and Spear all have tools. Some of the tools you must buy, like the website, other tools you get for free as a member of CBN, some through your team, then it will not be expensive to start up!

It is just getting started. You can, everyone can and with all this in my back I am safe and secure and infinitely grateful for all those that I meet every week, people from all over the world who inspire me and help me 😊

Yes, the training takes place in English. But the CBN meetings take place in Norwegian. If you decide, you can choose to join other CBN groups in other countries, if you like.

I have since I started in 2019, with taking Potensia out online, held courses and lessons, but it is only NOW that I can see that things are growing.

Yes, that is all for this time.

Next email, I will tell you about an amazing event coming SOON. Not even expensive. In the first place, join us now on Friday at free Facebook training at 17:00 EU time. Sign up here https://bit.ly/3poer2k

I sincerely hope you are coming; you will not regret it. This could be the start of your dreams, as it has become for me and ALL those who are part of CBN.

Remember you can always call me or write to me if you have any questions.

All the best to you,

Tina Mobile: +4791160505