You have a physical store, but no website! The vaccine already exists


History shows that digital commerce was least negatively impacted during the pandemic. I want to reveal a few more secrets that come in handy here.  

How much potential do you have digitally?
How much potential do you have digitally?

How much potential do you have digitally?

I distinguish here on sales pages that have a large catchment area and those that are almost local.

It appears in the market in general that most industries have an enormous undiscovered potential. Many people save many working hours by using a website and "AI" that works. This may sound fantastic and simple, and it actually is.

Build a bridge between the physical and the digital!

There are many projects that focus on just this. Being able to create interaction between Info systems / Digital signage, website, order system, auto payment and delivery system. The customer does not need to have posters produced, and arrange logistics afterwards. Here you see an example of how easy it can look for the customer. Here, web workers have created an animation that describes this at your fingertips.

Here is the example of a digital employee and customer journey at camping:

• The customer meets an info screen and Scanning of QR code on product.

Webshop appears and orders are placed.

• The order is paid at the same time as the order is processed

• Kitchen printer receives the order (settled)

• The sale is registered automatically in the cash register system

Or read more articles on the subject at

this shows how has solved the campsite's highest wish.

A small conclusion.

I see that there are an incredible number of websites that need some work to be visible, and that generate new customers. Not just a page that shows who you are.

As you can see from the articles I have here, there is an incredible amount to get an overview of. Having a proper plan for what to achieve is the alpha omega. With over 1.3 trillion websites, not only visibility but also interaction with other channels is required.

I still have the best advice, contact those who work with this daily and get help. Not everyone is just looking for your money but actually wants to help.

For more info we have several articles here that are worth reading:

Author Trond Paulsen